optimizing your finishing process


Circulation, dosing and acid handling circulation of the process solution provide many benefits in most finishing applications.
optimizing your finishing process


Circulation, dosing and acid handling circulation of the process solution provide many benefits in most finishing applications.
Ensuring a high process quality

Circulation, dosing and acid handling circulation of the process solution provide many benefits in most finishing applications. Unless adequate circulation is maintained in the process tanks, stratification of the solution can occur, resulting in regions of high and low pickling, chemical milling or etching activity, and inconsistent and unpredictable process conditions.

Reduced finishing time

Studies show that in some cases finishing time can be reduced by up to 40 percent by adequately circulating the process bath. A significant production increase can therefore be achieved with no additional changes to the process – an efficient and cost effective way to eliminate potential bottlenecks in the finishing process.

Extending the useful life of the solution

Introducing circulation into the process tanks results in a homogeneous solution, eliminating the stratification phenomenon. Secondary benefits of circulation include keeping suspended materials in suspension, simplifying their removal by process filtration, and extending the useful life of the process solution. Accurate acid dosing is critical to process stability – knowing “when” to acid is as important as “how much”, functions that are ensured with Scanacon’s CADOS systems.

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