Capacities ranging from 75 to 200 liters per hour
Ideal for small-scale acid finishers

The MiniFlex systems are ideally suited for small-scale acid finishers using single or mixed acid solutions with HF acid. Typical installations include recovery of mixed acids from cold rolled or finished wrought stainless steel products,  recovery of mixed acid milling from cast products, and metal removal from acid cleaning or passivation tanks.

The MiniFlex is available in four standard sizes with capacities ranging from 75 to 200 liters per hour.

Eliminate bottlenecks and improve productivity
Eliminate bottlenecks and improve productivity
Save energy and resources
Save energy and resources
Decrease chemical consumption
Decrease chemical consumption
Reduce health and safety liabilities
Reduce health and safety liabilities
Improve economics
Improve economics
Minimize environmental impact
Minimize environmental impact
Improve product quality
Improve product quality
